Home Owners Network
Free 1-Year membership to HON with every Home Inspection!
Included with every Home Inspection by Southern Star Inspections, LLC is a FREE 1-Year membership to the Home Owners Network (HON)!
"The guys that ran the largest home inspection school in the country for years, Casey & O'Malley have taken all their experience, knowledge and connections and created the Home Owners Network. HON is like AAA for you home!"
This is a FREE membership ($199 value) to the Home Owners Network!
When using HON you will be able to use an Android, iPhone or iPad app to take pictures and ask a question about items or problems in your home and get a quick, professional response back. Additional benefits include HON Guard Recall Alert, Emergency Hotline, and assistance with contacting trustworthy contractors. Along with your free HON membership you will also get access to tons of discounts from companies like Lowes, Closet World, PODS, 1-800-Got-Junk, etc. HON is building up hundreds of discounts. HON will also send out a monthly maintenance newsletter to your email if you so choose.
(click or swipe the pages in the pamphlet below for more information, videos included!)
Have a question about items in your home? Need information fast? Tired of searching the internet for answers and getting millions of unrelated links?
Check out the Home Owners Network benefits page by clicking on the image below: